Tinkers Lane 5G Mast Planning Application – You Need to Submit Comments by 14th February 2022

green 5g mast tinkers lane

If you would like to add your own comment then you need to search for 22/00090 on the RBWM Planning Portal.

green 5g mast tinkers lane

I brought a motion to full council on 25th January 2022 asking for RBWM to start measuring EMF radiation levels around the new 5G Masts for themselves but this was voted down by the Tory Councillors who essentially said that was OFCOM’s responsibility.

Last Summer a court in the USA found against the FCC, equivalent to our OFCOM, and told the FCC to revisit their safety guidelines.

In the UK there are similarly strong feelings that ICNIRP should do the same.

Many questions are being asked and expert opinions sourced.

Public Health England’s solicitors have advised councils to do their own research and not rely on ICNIRP.

Current planning law actively dismisses residents’ health concerns but I feel that is very short sighted and RBWM should be taking steps to research this topic further.

Thankfully there are RBWM officers whose job it is to ask the right questions and the following has been posted as a comment by one of the Environmental team.

I refer to the above-mentioned planning application, the Applicant is requested to confirm that the proposed telecommunications equipment is compliant with the current guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The following condition is recommended.

EP1 Telecommunications equipment and electromagnetic frequency 

Before the development commences the applicant shall undertake a site-specific risk assessment. The assessment shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. This shall include calculations of the maximum possible levels of non-ionizing radiation at the nearest residential properties at various floor levels. The values obtained shall then be compared to the current guidelines of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) limits for exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The levels quoted shall be when all equipment, both existing and proposed, are operating at maximum power.

It’ll be interesting to see that report if and when it is published. 

Thank you.

2 responses to “Tinkers Lane 5G Mast Planning Application – You Need to Submit Comments by 14th February 2022”

  1. Can that same question be asked retrospectively of the applicant for the mast due to be erected in Ruddlesway/Dedworth Road? What a shame the planning officer missed the deadline for refusing the appeal against planning permission refusal!! :/

  2. I would like all the facts to be published so a informed decision can be made . Ie risk to health dependent on distance from the mast.

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